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A Word To The Wise
Don Fortner | Added: Oct 08, 2024 | Category: Theology
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Sometimes I get weary and despondent. The outward, visible results of my ministry are disappointing. It appears my labours in the gospel are vain. My preaching often falls on deaf ears. Part of this despondency arises from sinful pride. Another part has its roots in sinful unbelief. These feelings of despondency are contrary to the gospel of the grace of God, dishonouring to Christ our Lord, and damaging to the testimony of the gospel. Our Lord knew that as long as we were in this world, being weak and sinful men, we would be terribly prone to anxiety, self-pity and feelings of emptiness and uselessness, therefore He gave us this gentle word of comfort, ‘Let not your hearts be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me’.
Beloved, in spite of the way things often appear, you and I have every reason to be optimistic, encouraged, hopeful and confident regarding the work of the gospel. Our Saviour, that one for whose honour we labour and whose will we seek to obey, sits upon the throne of universal dominion. He is the sovereign Lord and King of all things and He reigns in the serenity of total control. The gospel which we preach is His gospel. It will not return to Him void.
Our God and King is performing His will. Sometimes it does not appear, in our eyes, to be so, but God is doing, and will do, all His pleasure. He is governing all things according to His will. I do not know what the Lord’s purpose for me in this life is, but of this I am certain, God Himself has sent me forth as His messenger in this generation, and whatever He intends to do with me for His glory, He will do it! I know also that God has a people in this world whom He is determined to save and God will save all His people. I do not know what God’s purpose and plan is for our generation, but I do know in the end two things will ultimately be accomplished: all God’s elect will be saved, and Jesus Christ the Lord will be glorified. Whatever the Lord is pleased to do in the meantime will be best for me and best for all His people. We have no reason for despair, but every reason for expectation (1 Corinthians 15:58).
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